Meirik’s mission
Наша місія - це трансформація за допомогою розвитку потенціалу, тому ми продовжуємо робити те, що вміємо найкраще.
Our mission is to transform through capability building, so we continue to do what we can do best.
Important details
To make the best choice, please familiarise yourself with course descriptions and see which class best suits your needs.
There are 4 free-of-charge seats available for each class.
The rule is first come, first served.*
Choose the class wisely and make sure you participate on the given date. Do not take away the chance of those who really need it.
Get familiar with Support for Ukrainian residents & refugees Terms & Conditions here
* We cannot guarantee you the training seat. If the number of willing participants exceeds four, we'll open a waiting list.
This class list is continuously updated and shows training for 8 weeks ahead.

Professional Agile Leadership Essentials™ (PAL-E)
24-25 Oct 2024
9:00 - 17:00 GMT
Apply here ->

About Meirik
We are a team of consultants, trainers, and coaches. Our mission is to transform through capability building. We believe that all people and organisations can achieve audacious goals; we are the enablers who build the extraordinary capabilities you need to succeed. We invite you to join our training classes and make a fresh start or revive in a professional environment.